Staying Healthy When Traveling Abroad

The last thing you want to experience when traveling abroad and not in your home country where everything is familiar is an illness. Particularly when simple precautions could have prevented it. Here are ten tips for staying healthy when traveling abroad.

#1 Get vaccinated for any required, recommended, and routine vaccinations well in advance of your trip. This simple measure will protect you from 99% of any significant illnesses you’re likely to encounter while traveling abroad.

#2 Before you go, check the CDC Center for Disease Control website to inform yourself of any health issues in the country you’re traveling to. For example, is H1N1 or Covid causing rampant health issues? It pays to know in advance what you should be prepared for.

#3 Are there insect-borne illnesses where you’re going? Many vaccinations cover insect-borne diseases like malaria. However, there are other illnesses you can contract via insect bites. Make sure you’re prepared by buying proper repellants and preventative measures before your trip.

#4 Is your immune system compromised? If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding or have HIV or other immune deficiency disorders, you can be more susceptible to illness when traveling. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t travel. You can take precautions to stay healthy before your trip.

#5 Don’t drink the water. This isn’t the rule in all countries. Many countries have perfectly safe drinking water; however, many don’t. If you’re traveling to a country with unsafe drinking water, drink only bottled water or carbonated beverages; avoid ice, eat only well-cooked foods, and brush your teeth with bottled water.

#6 Be careful where you swim. Some countries, like Africa, have parasites in the water which can enter your skin; you don’t have to ingest them. 

#7 Don’t travel when you’re feeling ill. If you’re not feeling well right before your trip, consider canceling or postponing the trip. Travelers’ insurance can mitigate any financial loss. It’s better to be sick in your own country, home, and bed than halfway around the world.

#8 Travel with a first aid kit. However, this isn’t your standard band-aids and antiseptic first aid kit, but rather the medicine cabinet kind. Pack cold medicine, pain relievers, and any prescriptions you take regularly. 

#9 If you don’t have medical insurance covering you for overseas travel, consider getting a supplemental insurance policy to protect you while you’re away. 

#10 Make sure you have copies of your emergency contacts and important medical information. If you’re allergic to antibiotics or other medicines, ensure this is noted. If you have food allergies or other sensitivities, ensure this is also noted.

Traveling abroad is a fantastic way to broaden your horizons, explore other countries and just relax and enjoy yourself. Take these precautions to ensure you’ll be happy and healthy on your travels.


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